Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Prophet: Is Being Wise Knowing Nothing?

Like I said earlier, I don’t believe in right or wrong. The Prophet avoids erring to any extreme. Yet, with the absent position comes just that, an absence of position. So he says it all and he says nothing. It’s beautiful. It’s reality. I like it and I don’t for the same reason.


Megha Kulshreshtha said...

Oh plz...just because we don't have the answer to everything does not make the converse true: that we have the answer to nothing.

And an absence in extremes is not an absence in postion...like i said earlier; it is a balance (which is a position in and of itself).

The prophet says many things with clarity...he says love wholeheartedly even if it crushes u so, he says work hard, give each other space in marriage, enjoy pleasure, give wholeheartedly and give now, eat and drink sustainably and if u still must kill then do it with respect for the circle of life. in fact, there is not a whole lot of ambiguity at all.

Eskay said...

love wholeheartedly....give each other space
enjoy pleasure....work hard
give wholeheartedly...there's probably a part about being selfish somewhere in there
eat and drink...respect whatever you kill
doesn't really tell me much. should I eat that cookie? or not? the framework is in your mind and the prophet lets you define it. like i said, that's the best we can do cause there is no truth. thats why i like it. its also why i don't like it.

Megha Kulshreshtha said...
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Eskay said...

i agree with your first part. so the answer lies with me and not with the prophet. thanks for nothing prophet. but that is life and that is why the prophet is wise.

and i agree with your part about religion.

and to address the absence of position part....say i give you a question and your answer is everything or all of the above...that doesn't really tell me anything. and in reality, in decision making courses or game theory the answers come in percents on a logarithmic scale (so the prophet is 100% right, thats why I like it) but its also why the prophets words become absent of position. which i don't like. haha, though i know i can't have both.

Megha Kulshreshtha said...

but thats the point...the answer is balance...it means u have to think about it and wrestle with what fits your life. loving wholeheartedly can mean giving space when space is needed, or it can be opening up when u r scared. that doesn't mean there is no answer, it just means that the answer lies within u.

and like i said before, an absence in extremes is not an absence in postion. u keep getting that mixed up.

that's why most religions steer clear of giving u a chance to question for yourself and just give u one extreme answer or another; because its easier for the masses to follow. but thats not the solution, the solution is to wrestle with this balance and come up with your own answers.

Eskay said...

as soon as you speak of a truth, it becomes false....that is the nature of position and language. when all is one, there is no definition.
-wise words of sank

Megha Kulshreshtha said...

(sorry my computer is acting up, i didn't remove that post, its just moved below urs; stupid technology)

ok so u r basically agreeing with everything i said. way to not have a point.

and the prophet did help because he is telling us to THINK. ppl just want answers without putting in their due diligence. put in the work and u will start seeing some clarity in thought. and it does not come in the form of absolutes, it comes in the form sharpening your judgement.

Megha Kulshreshtha said...

lol what cause u can make up a quote u think ur like the prophet!?!

Eskay said...

Found a cool quote today that relates directly to my title.

Socrates had said on learning that the Delphic oracle had proclaimed him the wisest man in Greece. "If I am the wisest man," said Socrates, "it is because I alone know that I know nothing."

Simon Begashaw said...

This debate went from being thought provoking to just humorous, love it

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