Monday, August 1, 2011

Animal Farm: Pig vs Man, Pig Over throws Man, Pig Becomes Man

Wooooow so many things….lol first and foremost I just found this book to be hilarious. I love that the author equates the political climate of soviet Russia to animals in a farm setting. Brilliant! From the pigs, to the cows, to the chickens, to the dogs…just too funny and too real.

The entirety of this book brought to mind a quote that I have often times come to appreciate and be humbled by (if that makes sense)…

We become what we hate

From politics to personal life, watch where u point that finger. If the tables are turned, how different will things really be if we are not careful?


Eskay said...

I like the quote..

Made me think of the reverse which I think is true. We hate what we are(thus extending that hate to others with the same characteristics). Check out:

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