Monday, August 1, 2011

The Metamorphosis: Twisted sense of happiness

How depressing!!! This book brought to light how twisted our sense of happiness can become!! In the story, one of the family members turns into a bug and struggles to gain acceptance or attention from anyone. Even his own family is repulsed at the sight of him. Rather than looking at how difficult it must be for their son to be a bug and adjust to the new life style, the family is concerned with how disgusting this new creature is and how to avoid the disgustingness altogether.

Grrrr makes me soo mad that the family got their ‘happy ending’ when the bug (aka their son) died. How twisted! While I did not find this a fun read, I think it definitely makes me assess where my sense of happiness stems from and how I can be more conscious of the context of my happiness so that I am not being ignorant or apathetic to other equally important realities.


Eskay said...

There are many realities. Which one will you choose meetu?

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